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Change your life with a plant-based diet

Learn the steps I took to heal my body and reclaim my life.

Hi, I'm Lindsay Maxfield, and plant-based eating changed my body and my life.

My morning tea. I’m not great at routine

In the summer of 2014, on a night much like every other night, I carried one of my three children up the stairs for bed. It felt like the 100th time that day that I carried someone up or downstairs, and it very well might have been — just a few months earlier, our family of three grew to a family of five when I gave birth to identical twins.


Twin pregnancy is a grueling, physically demanding task that left me nearly unable to walk by the end of those nine long months. But giving birth to two healthy baby girls made it all worth it, and what’s more, I gained a newfound appreciation for my body that no other experience could have given me. I realized that my body is miraculous, and capable of a herculean task given to few. I discovered just how powerful I really am.


But despite this newfound respect, my body was not able to do everything I needed it to as a mother of three young children. I realized this that summer night as I paused at the top of the stairs, panting and out of breath, and had this sobering thought:


My babies would keep getting bigger, and I’d still need to keep carrying them up and down the stairs.

In that moment I knew that if I wanted to keep up with my children, reclaim my body, and live a better life, I needed to treat my body much better. And so I turned to diet  . . .

and that's when my entire life began to change.


As a former health and wellness journalist, I thought I knew everything about living a healthy lifestyle. But as I began to explore nutrition more deeply,

I realized just how much more I had to learn.

And what I learned astounded me.

Vegetable Basket

I learned that losing and maintaining weight isn’t about counting calories. I learned that much of what we consider to be “healthy” foods are anything but. I learned that disease, illness, and the deterioration of old age that we take to be inevitable are actually preventable. I learned that animal products are not only unnecessary, they can do your body so much harm. I learned about the miraculous ability of whole, plant-based foods to heal and rejuvenate bodies of any age or condition. I learned just how easy (and cheap!) it is to feed and nourish your family with these foods, and I was delighted to learn just how delicious they can be.

I learned the above truths and more as I read article after article, book after book, watched any food and health documentary I could get my hands on, and eventually earned a plant-based certification from Rouxbe Culinary School. 

It was like I had fallen down the rabbit hole, but instead of trying to get back home, I charged boldly ahead into a beautiful new wonderland.

My health and my life completely changed with a plant-based diet.

Merry Christmas from us, and a happy 201

After just a few months:


  • I felt energetic, happy, alert, calm, and mentally clear

  • I was sleeping well for the first time in my life

  • My skin and eyes were glowing

  • I felt strong and flexible

  • My energy levels, concentration, and mood soared

  • The brain fog lifted and my memory sharpened

  • I began to feel truly healthy — and I didn’t even know I had been so sick

  • My daily headaches disappeared

  • My asthma evaporated

  • My digestive system regulated

  • I stopped getting that “food coma” feeling after meals

  • By the end of each day, I had energy to spare


At long last, I felt like I was functioning on all cylinders.


My family flourished, too: My children were healthy, happy, and my picky-eater son began to eat not just a variety of foods, but anything we put in front of him. My husband soon got on board, not only losing weight and gaining energy, but his terrible snoring stopped for good!

And yes, I got my healthy body back: I lost 20 lbs. effortlessly (and quickly!),

going from a size 14 to a size 8 in less than 4 months.

All without counting calories, cutting carbs, or setting foot in the gym.


Want to learn my secrets and discover how to

change your life with a plant-based diet?

Get the ultimate guide to plant-based eating in my step-by-step online course:

This course will teach you to:

  • Eat a more whole foods, plant-based diet the easy way

  • Cut through the confusion, hype, and lies around food and diet

  • Learn the truth about nutrition and what your body really needs to thrive

  • Break away from toxic, unhealthy food and learn to eat clean and healthy

  • Become empowered to create a diet and lifestyle that work for you

Whether you want to go fully vegan or vegetarian or just add more healthy foods

into your diet while reducing the not-so-healthy, this course is for you!

With Healthy Little Changes, you'll learn how to:

Eliminate Unhealthy Foods

Uncover the lies we've been fed about food, diet, nutrition, and ourselves — and learn the truth about the foods that are doing the most harm, and how to eliminate them.

Understand Nutrition at Last

Learn to nourish yourself and your family effortlessly, and discover how to use food to heal and rejuvenate your body and soul.

Eat a Plant-Based Diet Your Way

Discover the tools and tricks for making plant-based eating a seamless, effortless part of your daily life, now and forever.

In this all-inclusive online course, you'll get:


7 Video Lessons

to teach you everything you need to know about plant-based nutrition.


1 Resource Workbook

to help you roll up your sleeves and get hands-on.


6 Daily Challenges

to help you implement Healthy Little Changes one day at a time.


1 Printable Menu Planner

to get you organized and help you plan your meals each day.


1 Downloadable eBook

to support your learning as you take in new information each day.


30+ Tools and Recipes

to help you get control of your nutrition and take charge in the kitchen.

(Oh, and here's what's NOT in the course . . .)

Calorie counting or restrictive eating
Carb-cutting or forsaking your favorites
Gimmicks or "hacks" to trick your body
Stress-inducing formulas and methods
Guilt, shame, or rules you can't live by

Only education, empowerment, and support to help you change and live your healthiest life.

"This is the antidote to dieting ..."

"Healthy Little Changes marks the end of health and wellness as we know it —

and the beginning of something so much better."

-Jane Summerin, wellness journalist

Inside the "6 Days to Healthy" Course

from Healthy Little Changes


Bowl of Grapes

Intro: Before We Begin

  • What is Healthy Little Changes?

  • The Healthy Little Changes philosophy

  • What you will learn in this course

Day 1

Girl Eating Hamburger

1.) The Lies We've Been Fed

  • The most damaging lies about nutrition and our bodies

  • How nutrition affects health — for better or for worse

  • Change your genes and heal your body

Day 2


2.) Foods That Are Destroying Your Health

  • The "Big 3" — sugar, animal products, and processed foods — and what they're really doing to your body

  • 12 Healthy Little Changes to eliminate or reduce the Big 3

Day 3

Vegetable Basket

3.) The Whole Foods, Plant-Based Diet

  • What foods are in a plant-based diet?

  • 6 powerful reasons to eat healthy foods from nature

  • The simple rule for plant-based eating in just 7 powerful words

Day 4

Green Juice Prep

4.) Nutrition 101

  • Understanding micronutrients and macronutrients and how they heal you

  • How much should you eat of each?

  • The truth about carbs, protein, and fat

Day 5

Healthy Salad

5.) Easy Ways to Eat Plant-Based

  • Breakfast: The Start-Your-Day Right Formula

  • Simple guide to snacks and lunch

  • Dinner: The Easy Meal Formula

Day 6

Father and Daughter with Grocery

6.) How to Make it Work for Life

  • Should you go all or nothing, or one little change at a time?

  • Steps for successful meal planning

  • Shopping, lifestyle, and mindset strategies to make it work for you


Orange Cocktail

Bonuses Included in This Course

  • Downloadable eBook

  • Workbook with resources and exercises

  • Printable menu planner, easy meal formula, and recipe cards

  • My favorite recipes

What people are saying about Healthy Little Changes

Sariah, 27

"This is THE PLACE to learn how to eat plant-based! I love that I don't have to guess what's healthy for me and what's not — I'm totally empowered, and I have the freedom to choose the food that works for me."

Anna, 48

"I was so done with dieting, but so confused about what to actually eat. This course was an absolute life-changer! Now I know exactly what to do to eat healthy, and I never have to diet again. Plant-based eating really did change my life."

Sam, 33

"I was curious about going vegan. It seemed to work well for people I know, but I didn't know if I could make that commitment. This course helped me ease into it, and still let me keep my favorite foods. And now, I'm hooked! Who knew?"

Learn to change your life with plant-based eating

with the Healthy Little Changes online course


Buy the course and get immediate access to:

  • 7 video lesson modules

  • 6 daily challenges

  • Downloadable eBook

  • Workbook with resources and exercises

  • Printable menu planner, easy meal formula, and recipe cards

  • 30+ recipes and strategies to help you change your life

Total Cost:  $350

Buy the course
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